Since 1992 the Adams County Heritage Festival has celebrated the different cultures and heritages that enrich the Adams County community. Because we are unable to hold an outdoor festival this year, we present a virtual online event.
We will celebrate Adams County Heritage Month 2020 with downloadable stories, music and art here on the ICPJ website. Look for family stories, music presented by local artists, art created by county residents and world cuisine to appear all during September and help us support unity in our community. Follow the links below to experience the Festival.
This Week’s Spotlight:
Monica Bajaj
My Two Worlds- Love, longing, joy, and contradiction
Community Nonprofits
Biglerville Library

Thaddeus Stevens Society
Gettysburg Democracy For America
Gettysburg DFA has been studying poverty in Adams County for the past year. As part of the Heritage Festival, DFA is releasing the draft report for comment. All people are invited to download the report and provide comments. Email to with the subject line “Poverty Study Comments.”