1985: ICPJ’s Founding Year

From the Annals of the Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice
Prepared by Bill Collinge for the Twentieth Anniversary Celebration in 2005


A series of meetings, chaired by Elaine Jones, during the first eight months of the year led to the decision to establish a permanent peace center in Gettysburg.

A Walk for Peace was held on September 20, 1985 to benefit the new center, with send-off speeches by Reverend Robert Koons and Judge John MacPhail.

The Center was awarded a $2500 matching grant from the Peace Development Fund to support its work.

The Center was officially incorporated as a non-profit organization on November 7, 1985.  It opened its office at 26 North Washington St. in Gettysburg, on December 1, holding an open house on December 8.

Sister Sally Tolles, a member of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, was appointed Coordinator.  The founding Board, elected November 21, was Elaine Jones (President), Lionel Walker (Vice President), Marianne Crouthamel (Secretary), William Wilson (Treasurer), Gene Albright, Frederick Foltz, Nate Jefferson, Blanche Jenson, Darryl Jones, Will Lane, Anne Showalter, and Mary Kay Turner.

The Center began to send out a monthly newsletter to individuals and churches.  Volume 1, Number 1, was mailed in December 1985.  It was two mimeographed pages long.