Annual Meeting Archives

November 5, 2022
37th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Mayor Rita Frealing, “G
rowing up African American in Gettysburg”
BoardDarren Glass (President), Melissa Rosenberger (First Vice President), Charles Strauss (Second Vice President), Bill Collinge (Secretary), Rosie Bolen (Treasurer). Other board members for 2023 are Pat Crowner, Reza Djalal, Rachel Hartnett, Jesse Holt Jr., Odila Madiamba, Shawn Palmer, Alisha Sanders, and Patrice Smith.

November 6, 2021 via Zoom
36th Annual Meeting
Judy Leslie, “My Eyes Were Opened” 
BoardDennis Murphy (President), Melissa Rosenberger (Vice President), Bill Collinge (Secretary); Rosie Bolen (Treasurer). Other board members at the start of the year were Loretta Baryeh, Pat Crowner, Reza Djalal, Darren Glass, Shawn Palmer, Alisha Sanders, and Charles Strauss. Patrice Smith joined the board in May. Loretta Baryeh left the board in June. Rachel Hartnett and Odila Madiamba joined the board in August.

November 14, 2020 via Zoom
35th Annual Meeting
Speaker: The virtual event 
featured personal narratives and musical and artistic performances representing different national and cultural heritages in Adams County. It remained online for the entire month of September, and much of the material continued to be accessible on the website for a longer period. Another part of the festival was an art project, in which children and adults were encouraged to submit drawings or other art works reflecting their heritages. These were displayed in the window of a vacant store in downtown Gettysburg.
Board: Dennis Murphy (President), Rukhsana Rahman (Vice President), Bill Collinge (Secretary); Rosie Bolen (Treasurer). Other board members were Loretta Baryeh, Pat Crowner, Reza Djalal, Annette Ehly, Darren Glass, Shawn Palmer, José Pérez-Zetune (Youth Representative), Patricia Green Rodgers, Chris Kellett, Rukhsana Rahman, Melissa Rosenberger, Charles Strauss. Patricia Green Rodgers resigned as of the February board meeting. Annette Ehly resigned on June 30. José Pérez-Zetune left the board when he went to college in September. Monthly board meetings took place electronically via Zoom through June but were in person from July onward.

November 9, 2019
34th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Mary Furlong, “The Warm Heart of Malawi”
Board: Dennis Murphy (President), Rukhsana Rahman (Vice President), Bill Collinge (Secretary); Rosie Bolen (Treasurer). Other board members were Loretta Baryeh, Pat Crowner, Reza Djalal, Annette Ehly, Darren Glass, José Pérez-Zetune (Youth Representative), Patricia Green Rodgers, Chris Kellett, Rukhsana Rahman, Melissa Rosenberger, Alisha Sanders, and Charles Strauss. Alisha Sanders resigned from the board in February and was replaced by Wendy Mizenko at the March meeting.

November 10, 2018
33rd Annual Meeting
Unitarian Universalists of Gettysburg
Speaker: Yeimi Gagliardi, Adams County Latino Health Educator for Wellspan and Chair of the Latino Services Task Force
Board: MJ Duffy (President), Dennis Murphy (First Vice President), Dawn Smith (Second Vice President), Bill Collinge (Secretary); Rosie Bolen (Treasurer). Other board members were Loretta Baryeh, Pat Crowner, Mary Furlong, Mary Gemmill, Chris Kellett, Marie Levenstein, Wendy Mizenko, Rukhsana Rahman, Charles Strauss. Bob Appleton and Susann Samples were named emeritus board members, a new category created in the 2017 bylaws revision.

November 4, 2017
32nd Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: MJ Duffy for Brenda Walter, Pastor of Fairfield Mennonite Church
Board: Mary Jane (MJ) Duffy, President; Dennis Murphy, First Vice President; Dawn Smith, Second Vice President, Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Vacant, Youth Representative, Rosie Bolen, Chris Kellett, Loretta Baryeh, Mary Furlong, Mary Gemmill, Wendy Mizenko, Rukhsana Rahman, Pat Crowner, Darren Glass, Marie Levenstein, Charles Strauss.

November 5, 2016
31st Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Sarah Kipp, Conservation Coordinator for the Land Conservancy of Adams County, “Gap Year: Inspiring appreciation and perspective of home and community.”
Board: Chris Kellett, President; Mary Jane (MJ) Duffy, First Vice President; Dennis Murphy, Second Vice President; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Mary Heaton, Youth Representative; Bob Appleton, Pat Crowner, Susann Samples, Charles Strauss, Loretta Baryeh, Mary Furlong, Mary Gemmill, Wendy Mizenko, Rukhsana Rahman.

November 14, 2015 – Thirtieth Anniversary 
30th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Allison Baugher Crowell, “Teach for America: Making a Difference”
Board: Chris Kellett, Chair; Mary Furlong, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Kendall Wolf, Student Representative; Bob Appleton, Peter Boving, Pat Crowner, MJ Duffy, Mary Gemmill, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Charles Strauss.

November 8, 2014
29th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Ron Bailey, reflections on Black History
Board: Chris Kellett, Chair; Mary Furlong, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Bob Appleton, Peter Boving, Pat Crowner, Ricky Czar, Mary Gemmill, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Charles Strauss, Byravan Viswanathan.

November 9, 2013
28th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Jorge Pérez-Rico, “The Latino Diaspora in Adams County”
Board: Chris Kellett, Chair; Mary Furlong, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Bob Appleton, Peter Boving, Pat Crowner, Ricky Czar, Mary Gemmill, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Byravan Viswanathan.

November 10, 2012
27th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Trudy Conway and Vicki Schieber, “Justice without Execution: Building Momentum toward Repeal of the Death Penalty”
Board: Mary Furlong and Chris Kellett, Co-Chairs; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Bob Appleton, Peter Boving, Pat Crowner, John Kellett, Jane Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Byravan Viswanathan.

November 12, 2011
26th Annual Meeting
Bethel Mennonite Church
Speaker: Dr. Kristen Urban of Mount St. Mary’s University, “The Arab Spring”
Board: Lea Czar and Mary Furlong, Co-Chairs; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Arianna Camel, Student representative; Bob Appleton, Sylvia Asante, Peter Boving, , Pat Crowner, John Kellett, Jane Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Bernie McNelis, Ginger Riley, and Susann Samples.

November 14, 2010
25th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Babatunde Lea, jazz percussionist and Gettysburg College faculty member, who gave a brief performance on the drums and then spoke on “Racism: What Are You Going to Do about It?”
Board: Lea Czar, Chair; Bob Appleton, Vice-Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Sylvia Asante, Peter Boving, Pam Frankenfield, Mary Furlong, John Kellett, Jane Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Bernie McNelis, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples.

November 7, 2009
24th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Megan Graham of Project Gaia
More than 50 people present
Board: Lea Czar, Chair; Bob Appleton, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Sylvia Asante, Pam Frankenfield, Denise Jackson, Virginia Lea, John Kellett, Jae Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples.

November 1, 2008
23rd Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Denise Weldon-Siviy, “Poverty and Peace”
15 people present
Board: Bob Appleton and Lea Czar, Co-Chairs; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Pam Frankenfield, Bob Kiehl, Jane Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Sylvia Asante (joined the Board in October).  

November 3, 2007
22nd Annual Meeting
Speaker: Rev. Sandra Mackie, “A Call to Peace: Breaking down Barriers to Peace through Understanding.”
Board: Bob Appleton, Chair; Rev. Sandra Mackie, Vice-Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Lea Czar, Pam Frankenfield, John Kellett, Jane Malone, Wendy Mizenko, Raj Ramanathapillai, Ginger Riley, Susann Samples, Kristen Urban, Kathryn Vargas, Student Representative.

November 4, 2006
21st Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Tarek Abuata, a Palestinian Christian who founded Love Thy Neighbor.
Board: Denise Weldon-Siviy, Chair; Bob Appleton, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary, Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Rosa Bernstein, Kris Eyssell/Gery Ellefson, Pam Frankenfield, Rev. Sandra Mackie, Larry Milano, Raj Ramanathapillai, Ginger Riley, Emilio Rodriguez, Susann Samples, Kristen Urban, Kathryn Vargas, Student Representative. Emilio Rodriguez died on November 1, 2007.

October 22, 2005 – Twentieth Anniversary
20th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Lou Hammann, history of peace and justice activism in Adams County
Board: Denise Weldon-Siviy, Chair; Susann Samples, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Rosie Bolen, Treasurer; Bob Appleton, Sally Duncan, Kris Eyssell and Gerry Ellefson (sharing a position), Pam Frankenfield, Larry Milano, Raj Ramanathapillai, Ginger Riley, Emilio Rodriguez, Kristen Urban.  Sally Duncan resigned in July.

November 6, 2004
19th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Kristen Urban, “Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain.”
35 people present
Board: Denise Weldon-Siviy, Chair; Susann Samples, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Rosie Bolen, Sally Duncan, Kris Eyssell, Gerry Ellefson, Pam Frankenfield, George Gelles, Bunny Phillips, Ginger Riley, Emilio Rodriguez, Jacob Schindel, Kristen Urban. The Student Representative slot remained vacant.

November 8, 2003
18th Annual Meeting
Trinity United Church of Christ
Speaker: Raj Ramanathapillai, “Religion, Violence, and Peace.”
Board: George Gelles and Jake Schindel, Co-Chairs; Susann Samples, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Rosie Bolen, Kathy Cain-Lorenz, Chad Close, Student Representative, Kris Eyssell and Gerry Ellefson (sharing a position), Pam Frankenfield, Tom Kiniry, Ginger Riley, Emilio Rodriguez, Kristen Urban, Denise Weldon-Siviy.

November 2, 2002
17th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Jan Powers, “Women and Peacemaking in the Middle East,” was based on her travels to Israel and Palestine and her interviews with women on both sides involved in peace dialogues.
Board: Susann Samples, Chair; Ginger Riley, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Kathy Cain-Lorenz, Frank Chiteji, Chad Close, Student Representative, Ruthe Craley, Eric Crump, Pam Frankenfield, George Gelles, Tom Kiniry, Emilio Rodriguez, Kristen Urban, Denise Weldon-Siviy.

November 3, 2001
16th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Chris Fitz, leading a discussion on how we can simultaneously oppose terrorism and pursue global justice.
Board: Susann Samples, Chair; Ginger Riley, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Kathy Cain-Lorenz, Ruthe Craley, Tom Kiniry, Denise Weldon-Siviy, Anton Hooper, Student Representative, Frank Chiteji, Eric Crump, Pam Frankenfield, George Gelles, Emilio Rodriguez, Kristen Urban.

October 22, 2000
15th Annual Meeting
Speaker: John Mulligan of NOVIS (Non-Violence Intervention Services) gave the main presentation.
Board: Susann Samples, Co-Chair; Eric Crump, Co-Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Frank Chiteji, Chris Fitz, Pam Frankenfield, George Gelles, Diana Henne, Ginger Riley, Emilio Rodriguez, John Paul Rodriguez, Kristen Urban, Steve White, Daniel White.

October 24, 1999
14th Annual Meeting
St. Francis Xavier School
Speaker: Ginger Riley speaking on her travels to Palestine and Israel for the “compassionate listening” program of Christian Peacemaker Teams.
Board: Kristen Urban, Chair; Susann Samples, Vice Chair; Bill Collinge, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Brian Allen, Eric Crump, Nancy Cushing-Daniels, Chris Fitz, Pam Frankenfield, Diana Henne, Emilio Rodriguez, John Paul Rodriguez, Steve White.

October 24, 1998
13th Annual Meeting
Speakers: Members of three Bosnian families—the Prozos, the Petrovics, and the Lolics—who had been resettled in Gettysburg in the recent past, as well as some of those who aided in their resettlement.
Board: Kristen Urban, Chair; Pam Frankenfield, Vice Chair (At the middle of the year, Urban and Frankenfield switched positions); Lou Hammann, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Bill Collinge, Eric Crump, Nancy Cushing-Daniels, Chris Fitz, Emilio Rodriguez, Susann Samples, Daniel White, Steve White, Brian Allen, Diana Henne.

October 26, 1997
12th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Dorothy Trench-Bonett, of Mount St. Mary’s, on “China Today.”
Board: Steve White, President; Pam Frankenfield, Vice President; Lou Hammann, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer, Bill Collinge, Susann Samples, Garon Taylor-Tyree, Kristen Urban, Eric Crump, Brendan and Nancy Cushing-Daniels, Emilio Rodriguez, Eleanor Shelton, Daniel White, Youth Representative. In July, Daniel White and Kristen Urban assumed the Presidency jointly.

October 13, 1996
11th Annual Meeting
St. James Lutheran Church
Speakers: Several visitors from León, Nicaragua
Board: Ron Pagnucco, President; Pam Frankenfield, Vice President; Lou Hammann, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Bill Collinge, Noriko Garofalo, Pat Hammann, Susann Samples, Steve White, Gail Forstater, Steve Ramos, Kristen Urban, Sam Rice-Townsend and Garon Taylor-Tyree, Youth Representatives.

October 29, 1995 – Tenth Anniversary
10th Annual Meeting
Speakers: Professor Ron Pagnucco, from Mount Saint Mary’s College, and Dave Robinson, of Pax Christi USA, on “A Proposed Agenda for the Peace Movement.”
Board: Pam Frankenfield, Chair; Pat Hammann, Vice Chair (through April 1996, at which time they switched jobs); Steve White, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Bill Collinge, Dean Duncan, Frances Foltz, Fritz Foltz, Noriko Garofalo, Lou Hammann, Pat Hammann, Ron Pagnucco, Annie Paulson, Youth Representative, Diana and John Rarig, Susann Samples.

September 25, 1994
9th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Joanne Kehoe, of the Washington Office on Haiti.
Board: Bill Collinge, President; Pam Frankenfield, Vice President; Megan Malone, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Arturo Bermejo, Dean Duncan, Reyna Fallon, Frances Foltz, Frederick Foltz, Noriko Garofalo, Lou and Pat Hammann, Harold Hodgson, Diana and John Rarig, Susann Samples, Steve White.

October 10, 1993
8th Annual Meeting
St. James Lutheran Church
Speakers: Marian Franz and Eric Harteis of the National Committee for a Peace Tax Fund.
Board: Bill Collinge ,President; Sharon Kaya Emmons, Vice President ;Will Lane, Secretary; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Arturo Bermejo, Lauren Brégy, Student Representative, Dean Duncan, Reyna Fallon, Frances Foltz, Fritz Foltz, Pam Frankenfield, Noel Hart, Harold Hodgson, Megan Malone, Student Representative, Diana and John Rarig, Susann Samples, Steve White.

September 27, 1992
7th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Yvonne Small, “Organizing Community Efforts in Peacemaking.”
Board: Rod Gisick, President; Bill Collinge, Vice President; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Martin Malone, Secretary; Arturo Bermejo, Sharon Emmons, Reyna Fallon, Fritz Foltz, Noel Hart, Harold Hodgson, Will Lane, Paula Neun, Steve White, Dick Wood, Jennifer Ryder, Student Representative, Brian Harward, Student Representative.

November 3, 1991
6th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Ann Thomas spoke about Peace Links, an education/action citizen diplomacy group which focused on relations with the Soviet Union, and Sandy Thomas, defense aide to Senator Tom Harkin, spoke on the opportunities for spending money for human need in the world rather than defense.
Board: Rod Gisick, President; Bill Collinge, Vice President; Lakshmi Viswanathan, Treasurer; Martin Malone, Secretary; Jerry Depew, Sharon Emmons, Fritz Foltz, Jackie Jury, Will Lane, Mary Livingston, Paula Neun, Tricia Pitney, Tim Sadler, Bill Wilson, Dick Wood, Jennifer Ryder, Student Representative. Noel Hart joined the Board in March, and Steve White joined in April.

November 11, 1990
5th Annual Meeting
Speaker: Helen Hollingsworth, Staff Director of the Disarmament Committee of the American Friends Service Committee, Middle Atlantic Region, as speaker.
Board: Will Lane (President), Bill Collinge (Vice President), Bill Wilson (Treasurer), Larry Gregorio (Secretary), Terry Burger, Frank Chiteji, Fritz Foltz, Rod Gisick, Mary Livingston, Marty Malone, Paula Neun, Tricia Pitney, Jan Powers, Lakshmi Viswanathan,  Dick Wood.  Lakshmi Viswanathan became Treasurer in May 1991.

November 12, 1989
4th Annual Meeting

Speaker: Harry Mattison spoke about his experiences as a photojournalist in Central America and South Africa.
Board: Jan Powers, President; Bill Collinge, Vice President; Bill Wilson, Treasurer; Frank Chiteji, Marianne Crouthamel, Karen Evans (resigned, replaced in May by David Hair), Fritz Foltz, Larry Gregorio, Frank Herman (resigned June, replaced by Will Lane), Marty Malone, Timothy McCarthy (resigned; replaced in August by Mary Livingston), Mike Miller, Tricia Pitney, Judy Pyle (resigned, replaced by T. W. Burger in August), Clare Shumway.

November 20, 1988
3rd Annual Meeting
Speaker: Yvonne Small, “Palestine: Hope and Suffering in the Promised Land.”1988-89
Board: Jan Powers, President; Jim Roach, Vice President; Bill Wilson, Treasurer; Mary Kay Turner, Secretary; Marianne Crouthamel, Bill Collinge, Fritz Foltz, Stewart Hardy, Frank Herman, Tim McCarthy, Candy Paulson, Tricia Pitney, Judy Pyle, Dick Scott. Added during 1989: Karen Evans, Larry Gregorio.

December 4, 1987
2nd Annual Meeting 
Board: Marianne Crouthamel, President; Richard Scott, Vice President; Candy Paulson, Secretary; Bill Wilson, Treasurer, Rev. Frederick Foltz, Beth Gibbon, Rev. J. Stewart Hardy, Elaine Jones, Will Lane, John MacPhail, Tim McCarthy, Jan Powers, and Mary Kay Turner

November 14, 1986
1st Annual Meeting 
Speaker: Rev Dr. John Vannorsdall, chaplain at Yale University and former chaplain at Gettysburg College.
Board: Marianne Crouthamel, Frederick Foltz, Beth Gibbon, Darryl Jones, Will Lane, Elaine Jones, Jim Kalbaugh, John MacPhail, Jan Powers, Jim Roach, Dick Scott, Mary Kay Turner, B. Tim Wagner, Lionel Walker, Bill Wilson.

1985 Initial Meetings (Board Elected November 21, 1985)
Board: Sister Sally Tolles, Coordinator; Elaine Jones, President; Lionel Walker, Vice President; Marianne Crouthamel, Secretary; William Wilson, Treasurer; Gene Albright, Frederick Foltz, Nate Jefferson, Blanche Jenson, Darryl Jones, Will Lane, Anne Showalter, Mary Kay Turner.